[Trading] FXCM:USDOLLAR Dow Jones FXCM Dollar Index

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Dow Jones FXCM Dollar Index Basket (FXCM: USDOLLAR) : Began on January 1, 2011, at a value of 10,000.00. Reflects the change in value of the US dollar measured against a basket of the most liquid currencies. Represents an equivalent $10,000 position in each of the currencies that make it up. Rises when the Dollar rises against the Euro, the British Pound, and the Australian Dollar and falls as the Dollar depreciates compared to these currencies. Trading Hours: trading opens on Sundays between 5:00 PM ET and 5:15 PM ET and closes on Fridays around 4:55 PM ET. Minimum Pip Cost (Value): $1 per point.