7 Active JPY M : Japanese Yen exchange rate Live chart (Japan currency, code: JPY, symbol: 円 or ¥ or JP¥)

Japan currency : Japanese Yen (ISO 4217 currency code: JPY, symbol: 円 or ¥ or JP¥) : ¥ 1 (yen) = 100 sen (錢 or 銭). Japanese Yen currency sign (symbol): 円 or ¥ or JP¥. The ISO 4217 code of the Japanese Yen is JPY. Japanese Yen is the third most traded currency in the foreign exchange market after the United States dollar (USD) and the Euro (EUR). Official currency of Japan (日本国) in East Asia. Central bank is Bank of Japan (BOJ, 日本銀行). Printer is National Printing Bureau (国立印刷局). Mint is Japan Mint (独立行政法人造幣局).