ATSxxx Austrian Schilling exchange rate Live chart (Austria currency, code: ATS, symbol: S or öS)

Austria currency : Austrian Schilling (ISO 4217 currency code: ATS, symbol: S or öS) : 1 Austrian Schilling (S or öS) = 100 groschen. Austrian Schilling was the official currency of Republic of Austria (Republik Österreich), a landlocked East Alpine country in the southern part of Central Europe. On 1 March 2002, Austrian Schilling was replaced by Euro(€) at a fixed parity of €1 = 13.7603 schilling. The schilling was established by the Schilling Act (Schillingrechnungsgesetz) of December 20, 1924. Central bank is Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB), an integral part of both the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and the Eurozone. Mint is Münze Österreich.