AZNxxx Azerbaijani Manat exchange rate Live chart (Azerbaijan currency, code: AZN, symbol: ₼ or m)

Azerbaijan currency : Azerbaijani Manat (ISO 4217 currency code: AZN, symbol: ₼ or m) : 1 manat (₼) = 100 qəpik. Official currency of Republic of Azerbaijan (Azərbaycan Respublikas) in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. The word manat derived from the word Moneta (Monēta, money, mint). The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and its successor the Azerbaijani Soviet Socialist Republic issued their own currency between 1919 and 1923. The currency was called the manat (منات) in Azerbaijani and the ruble (рубль) in Russian. The second manat (ISO 4217 code AZM) was introduced on 15 August 1992. In 2006, a new manat (the third manat, ISO 4217 code AZN) was introduced at a ratio of 1 new manat to 5,000 old manat. Central bank is Central Bank of Azerbaijan (Azərbaycan Respublikasının Mərkəzi Bankı).