BEFxxx Belgian Franc exchange rate Live chart (Belgium currency, code: BEF, symbol: fr.)

Belgium currency : Belgian Franc (ISO 4217 currency code: BEF, symbol: fr.) : 1 Franc (fr) = 100 centimes (c). From 1832, official currency of Kingdom of Belgium (Koninkrijk België. Royaume de Belgique. Königreich Belgien) in Western Europe. Between 1944 and 2002, 1 Luxembourg franc was equal to 1 Belgian franc and both francs were legal tender in the two countries. As Napoleonic France led to the French franc's wide circulation, the French franc replaced the kronenthaler of Austrian Netherlands (the current Belgium) in the Austrian Netherlands (the current Belgium). This was in turn replaced by the Dutch guilder when the United Kingdom of the Netherlands was formed. Following independence from the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the new Kingdom of Belgium in 1832 adopted its own franc. The Belgian/Luxembourgish franc ceased to exist on 1 January 1999, when it became fixed at 1 EUR= 40.3399 BEF/LUF, thus a franc was worth €0.024789. Old franc coins and notes lost their legal tender status on 28 February 2002. Central bank is National Bank of Belgium (NBB. Nationale Bank van België. Banque nationale de Belgique. Belgische Nationalbank). Printer is National Bank of Belgium (NBB. Nationale Bank van België. Banque nationale de Belgique. Belgische Nationalbank). Mint is National Bank of Belgium (NBB. Nationale Bank van België. Banque nationale de Belgique. Belgische Nationalbank).