CDFxxx Congo-Kinshasa Congolese Franc exchange rate Live chart (Congo-Kinshasa currency, code: CDF, symbol: FC)

Congo-Kinshasa currency : Congo-Kinshasa Congolese Franc (ISO 4217 currency code: CDF, symbol: FC) : 1 Congo-Kinshasa Congolese Franc (FC) = 100 centimes. Official currency of Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), a country in Central Africa, the largest country in sub-Saharan Africa, the second-largest in all of Africa (after Algeria), and the 11th-largest in the world. Democratic Republic of the Congo = République Démocratique du Congo = Repubilika ya Kôngo ya Dimokalasi = Republíki ya Kongó Demokratíki = Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo = Ditunga dia Kongu wa Mungalaata = Congo-Kinshasa = Congo Free State = Belgian Congo = Republic of Congo-Léopoldville = DR Congo = DROC = Congo = Zaire. Congo Free State (1877–1908) > Belgian Congo (1908–1960) > Independence and political crisis (1960–1965) > Mobutu and Zaire (1965–1997) > Continental and civil wars (1996–present). The word Zaire is from a Portuguese adaptation of a Kikongo word nzere ("river"). ISO 3166-1 country code is CD. Currency denominated in centimes and francs (Dutch: Congolese frank) was first introduced in 1887 for use in the Congo Free State (1885-1908). The franc was re-established in 1997, replacing the new zaïre at a rate of 1 franc = 100,000 new zaïres. Central bank is Central Bank of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Banque Centrale du Congo).