COPxxx Colombian Peso exchange rate Live chart (Colombia currency, code: COP, symbol: $ or COL$)

Colombia currency : Colombian Peso (ISO 4217 currency code: COP, symbol: $ or COL$) : 1 Colombian Peso (COL$) = 100 centavos. Official currency of Republic of Colombia (República de Colombia), in South America with territories in North America. ISO 3166-1 country code is CO. The peso has been the currency of Colombia since 1810 by replacing the real. In 1871, Colombia went on the gold standard, pegging the peso to the French franc at a rate of 1 peso = 5 francs. In 1931, when the U.K. left the gold standard, Colombian peso shifted its peg to the U.S. dollar, at a rate of 1.05 pesos = 1 dollar. Central bank: Banco de la República (Bank of the Republic (Colombia)).