DZDxxx Algerian Dinar exchange rate Live chart (Algeria (dzāyīr) currency, code: DZD, symbol: دج or DA)

Algeria currency : Algerian Dinar (ISO 4217 currency code: DZD, symbol: دج or DA) : DA 1 (dinar) = 100 centimes. Algerian Dinar (Dinar Adzayri). The official currency of People's Democratic Republic of Algeria (الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية , al-Jumhūriyya al-Jazāʾiriyya ad-Dīmuqrāṭiyya aš-Šaʿbiyya) in the Maghreb region of North Africa. Algeria is the tenth-largest country in the world, and the largest by area in the African Union and the Arab world. The dinar was introduced on 1 April 1964, replacing the Algerian new franc at par. The name "dinar" is derived from the Roman denarius. Other forms of the country name are الدزاير‎ (al-dzāyīr). As the name of Algeria in Arabic is Dzair (Djazaïr, لجازاير), the country code is DZ. The name Dzair is most frequently used to refer to the country in Algeria. Central bank is Bank of Algeria (بنك الجزائر).