ERNxxx Eritrean Nakfa exchange rate Live chart (Eritrea currency, code: ERN, symbol: Nkf or ናቕፋ or ناكفا)

Eritrea currency : Eritrean Nakfa (ISO 4217 currency code: ERN, symbol: Nkf or ናቕፋ or ناكفا) : 1 Eritrean Nakfa (Nkf) = 100 cents. Eritrean Nakfa is pegged with U.S. dollar at the rate of US$ 1 (USD) = 15 nakfa(Nkf). Official currency of State of Eritrea, in Eastern Africa. Eritrean Nakfa was introduced on 8 November 1997 to replace the Ethiopian birr at par. The currency takes its name Nakfa from the Eritrean town of Nakfa, site of the first major victory of the Eritrean War of Independence. ISO 3166-1 country code is ER. Central bank is Bank of Eritrea.