[Forex] 1 GBP/ANG 1 British Pound Sterling to Sint Maarten currency Netherlands Antillean Guilder (Antilliaanse Gulden) exchange rate Live chart

Netherlands Antilles currency : Netherlands Antillean Guilder (Antilliaanse Gulden, Florin) (ISO 4217 currency code: ANG, symbol: NAFl or NAƒ or NAf or ƒ or f) : 1 Guilder(NAƒ) = 100 cents. Pegged with U.S. dollar, 1 USD = ƒ1.79 (Florin). NAFl = Netherlands Antilles Florin. Netherlands Antillean Guilder (Antilliaanse Gulden) is the official currency of Constituent country in the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Land Curaçao. Pais Kòrsou) and Constituent country in the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Sint Maarten). Netherlands Antilles (Nederlandse Antillen) was a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The country consisted of several island territories located in the Caribbean Sea. The islands were also informally known as the Dutch Antilles. Central Bank is Central Bank of Curaçao and Sint Maarten. Printer is Joh. Enschedé.