GTQxxx Guatemalan Quetzal exchange rate Live chart (Guatemala currency, code: GTQ, symbol: Q)

Guatemala currency : Guatemalan Quetzal (ISO 4217 currency code: GTQ, symbol: Q) : 1 Guatemalan Quetzal (Q) = 100 centavos (lenes). Official currency of Republic of Guatemala (República de Guatemala), a country in Central America. ISO 3166-1 Guatemala country code is GT. In ancient Mayan culture, the quetzal bird's tail feathers were used as currency. In 1925, the quetzal was introduced , and it replaced the peso at the rate of 60 pesos = 1 quetzal. Until 1987, the quetzal was pegged to and domestically equal to the United States dollar. Before the pegging to the US dollar, it was pegged to the French franc as well, since the quetzal utilized the gold standard. On August 20, 2007, the Bank of Guatemala has introduced a polymer banknote of 1 quetzal, and 5 quetzal on November 14, 2011. Central bank is Bank of Guatemala (Banco de Guatemala).