HNLxxx Honduran Lempira exchange rate Live chart (Honduras currency, code: HNL, symbol: L)
Honduras currency : Honduran Lempira (ISO 4217 currency code: HNL, symbol: L) : 1 Honduran Lempira (lempira hondureño : L) = 100 centavos. Official currency of Republic of Honduras (República de Honduras), a country in Central America. ISO 3166-1 Honduras country code is HN. Honduras was home to several important Mesoamerican cultures, most notably the Maya, before the Spanish Colonization in the sixteenth century. The currency name lempira has been from cacique Lempira, who is renowned in Honduran folklore for leading the local native resistance against the Spanish conquistador forces. He is a national hero, and is honoured. The lempira was introduced in 1931, replacing the peso at par. Central bank is Central Bank of Honduras (Banco Central de Honduras).