HTGxxx Haitian Gourde (goud) exchange rate Live chart (Haiti / Ayiti currency, code: HTG, symbol: G)

Haiti (Ayiti) currency : Haitian Gourde (goud) (ISO 4217 currency code: HTG, symbol: G) : 1 Haitian Gourde (G) = 100 centimes (santim). Official currency of Republic of Haiti [ajiti] (Repiblik d Ayiti. République d'Haïti), a country on the island of Hispaniola in the Greater Antilles archipelago of the Caribbean Sea. Haiti was formerly known as Hayti. ISO 3166-1 Haiti country code is HT. In 1813, the first gourde was introduced and replaced the livre (the currency of Haiti until 1813). In 1870, the gourde was revalued at a rate of ten to one. In 1872, the gourde was again revalued at a rate of three hundred to one. In 1881, the gourde was pegged to the French franc at 5 francs = 1 gourde. in 1912, the gourde was pegged to the US dollar at a value of 5 gourdes to the US dollar, in 1989 this peg was abandoned. Central bank is Banque de la République d'Haïti.