HUFxxx Hungarian Forint exchange rate Live chart (Hungary currency, code: HUF, symbol: Ft)

Hungary currency : Hungarian Forint (ISO 4217 currency code: HUF, symbol: Ft) : 1 Ft (forint) = 100 fillér. The official currency of Hungary (Magyarország) in Central Europe. The current forint was reintroduced on 1 August 1946, after the pengő was rendered almost worthless by massive hyperinflation in 1945–46. The name "forint" comes from the city of Florence, where gold coins called fiorino d'oro were minted from 1252. Central bank is Hungarian National Bank (Magyar Nemzeti Bank, MNB) and it is a part of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB). Printer is Pénzjegynyomda Zrt. Mint is Hungarian Mint Ltd.