IEPxxx Irish Pound exchange rate Live chart (Ireland currency, code: IEP, symbol: £ or IR£)

Ireland currency : Irish Pound (ISO 4217 currency code: IEP, symbol: £ or IR£) : 1 Irish Pound (£) = 100 pence. €1 (euro) = £0.787564 (Irish Pound). Official currency of Kingdom of Ireland (Ríoghacht Éireann, Republic of Ireland, Poblacht na hÉireann), a country in north-western Europe, its capital and largest city is Dublin. ISO 3166-1 Ireland country code is IE. The earliest Irish coinage was introduced in the late 10th century. In 1801, Ireland became part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, but the Irish pound continued to exist until January 1826. In 1826, the Irish pound was merged with the UK pound sterling. Following independence (1922), from 1928 the new Irish Free State brought in its own currency new Saorstát (Free State) Pound. Saorstát (Free State) Pound had exactly the same weight and fineness of gold as was the sovereign at the time, having the effect of making the new currency pegged at 1:1 with sterling. In the 1970s, the European Monetary System was introduced and Ireland decided to join, while the United Kingdom stayed out. On 1 January 1999, the Irish pound was replaced by the euro (EUR). Central bank is Central Bank of Ireland. Printer is Currency Centre of the Central Bank of Ireland. Mint is Currency Centre of the Central Bank of Ireland.