JMDxxx Jamaican Dollar exchange rate Live chart (Jamaica currency, code: JMD, symbol: $, J$)

Jamaica currency : Jamaican Dollar (ISO 4217 currency code: JMD, symbol: $, J$) : 1 Jamaican Dollar (J$) = 100 cents. Jamaican Dollar is the official currency of the Jamaica since 1969, an island country in the Caribbean Sea, it is the third-largest island of the Greater Antilles and the Caribbean after Cuba and Hispaniola. The earliest money in Jamaica was Spanish copper coins called maravedíes. In 1834, silver coins of threepence and three halfpence (​1 1⁄2 pence) were introduced. In 1839, an act was passed by Parliament declaring that as of December 31, 1840, only British coinage would be legal tender in Jamaica. In 1904, the first government-authorized banknotes were produced. In 1960, the Bank of Jamaica was given the sole right to mint coins and produce banknotes in Jamaica. In 1968, Jamaican Dollar was introduced to replace the Jamaican pound. The new Jamaican dollar (and the Cayman Islands dollar) differed from all the other dollars in the British West Indies. Central bank is Bank of Jamaica, located in Kingston, Jamaica.