LKRxxx Sri Lankan Rupee exchange rate Live chart (Sri Lanka / Ceylon currency, code: LKR, symbol: රු or ரூ or Rs)
Sri Lanka (Ceylon) currency : Sri Lankan Rupee (ISO 4217 currency code: LKR, symbol: රු or ரூ or Rs) : 1 Sri Lankan Rupee (Rs) = 100 cents. Sri Lankan Rupee is official currency of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (ශ්රී ලංකා ප්රජාතාන්ත්රික සමාජවාදී ජනරජය, இலங்கை சனநாயக சோசலிசக் குடியரசு), formerly known as Ceylon, an island country in South Asia, in the Indian Ocean southwest of the Bay of Bengal and southeast of the Arabian Sea. Sri Lankan Rupee currency sign (symbol) is රු, ரூ or Rs. International Organization for Standardization, ISO 4217 Sri Lanka currency code is LKR. ISO 3166-1 Sri Lanka country code is LK. In 1825, the British pound became Ceylon's official money of account replacing the Ceylonese rixdollar. In 1836, the Indian rupee was made Ceylon's standard coin and Ceylon reverted to the Indian currency area. In 1844, The Bank of Ceylon was the first private bank to issue banknotes. In 1856, Treasury notes were withdrawn. In 1869, the Indian rupee was formally established as the unlimited and sole legal tender. Sri Lanka Central bank is Central Bank of Sri Lanka (இலங்கை மத்திய வங்கி), in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Printer is De La Rue Lanka Currency and Security Print (Pvt) Ltd. Mint in Royal Mint of United Kingdom.