LRDxxx Liberian Dollar exchange rate Live chart (Liberia currency, code: LRD, symbol: $ or L$ or LD$)

Liberia currency : Liberian Dollar (ISO 4217 currency code: LRD, symbol: $ or L$ or LD$) : 1 Liberian Dollar (LD$) = 100 cents. Official currency of Republic of Liberia since 1943, a country on the West African coast. ISO 3166-1 Liberia country code is LR. The first Liberian dollar was issued in 1847 and it was pegged to the US dollar at par and circulated alongside the US dollar until 1907. In 1935, United States currency replaced the British West African pound. In 1937, Liberia issued its own coins which circulated alongside US currency. Central bank is Central Bank of Liberia, located in Monrovia, the capital of Liberia.