MXNxxx Mexican Peso exchange rate Live chart (Mexico currency, code: MXN, symbol: $ or Mex$)

Mexico currency : Mexican Peso (ISO 4217 currency code: MXN, symbol: $ or Mex$) : Mex$ 1 (peso) = 100¢ centavos. The official currency of United Mexican States (Estados Unidos Mexicanos : EUM) in the southern portion of North America. Prior to the 1993 revaluation, the currency code of Mexican Peso was MXP. The 15th most traded currency in the world, the third most traded currency from the Americas after the United States dollar and Canadian dollar, and the most traded currency from Latin America. The name "peso" was first used in reference to pesos oro (gold weights) or pesos plata (silver weights). The Spanish word peso means "weight". Central bank is Bank of Mexico (Banco de México). Printer is Bank of Mexico. Mint is Casa de Moneda de México.