PABxxx Panamanian Balboa exchange rate Live chart (Panama currency, code: PAB, symbol: B/.)

Panama currency : Panamanian Balboa (ISO 4217 currency code: PAB, symbol: B/.) : 1 Panamanian Balboa (B/.) = 100 centésimos. Panamanian Balboa is pegged with U.S. dollar at an exchange rate of 1:1. Official currency of Republic of Panama (República de Panamá), a transcontinental country in Central America and South America. Panamanian Balboa currency sign (symbol) is B/.. International Organization for Standardization, ISO 4217 Panama currency code is PAB. International Organization for Standardization, ISO 3166-1 Panama country code is PA. In 1904, the balboa replaced the Colombian peso following the country's independence. Central bank is Central de la República de Panamá (Central Bank of Republic of Panama).