PHPxxx Philippine Peso exchange rate Live chart (Philippines currency, code: PHP, symbol: ₱ or PhP or P)
Philippines currency : Philippine Peso (ISO 4217 currency code: PHP, symbol: ₱ or PhP or P) : 1 Philippine Peso (₱) = 100 céntimos. Official currency of Republic of the Philippines (Republika ng Pilipinas), an archipelagic country in Southeast Asia in the western Pacific Ocean, consists of about 7,641 islands. Philippine Peso (Piso ng Pilipinas) currency sign (symbol) is ₱. International Organization for Standardization, ISO 4217 Philippines currency code is PHP. ISO 3166-1 Philippines country code is PH. As a former colony of the United States, the country used English. Central bank is Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), in Boulevard, Manila, Philippines. Printer is The Security Plant Complex. Mint is The Security Plant Complex.