PKRxxx Pakistani Rupee exchange rate Live chart (Pakistan currency, code: PKR, symbol: ₨)

Pakistan currency : Pakistani Rupee (ISO 4217 currency code: PKR, symbol: ₨) : 1 Pakistani Rupee (₨) = 100 Paisa. Official currency of Islamic Republic of Pakistan (اِسلامی جمہوریہ پاكِستان) since 1948, a country in South Asia with the world's fifth-most population. Pakistani Rupee currency sign (symbol) is ₨. International Organization for Standardization, ISO 4217 Pakistan currency code is PKR. ISO 3166-1 Pakistan country code is PK. The word rūpiya is derived from the Sanskrit word rūpya, which means "wrought silver, a coin of silver". In 1947, the Pakistani Rupee was introduced after the dissolution of the British Raj. Central bank is State Bank of Pakistan (SBP, بینک دَولتِ پاکِستان), in Karachi, Pakistan. Printer is Pakistan Security Printing Corporation. Mint is Pakistan Mint.