PLNxxx Polish Złoty exchange rate Live chart (Poland currency, code: PLN, symbol: zł)

Poland currency : Polish Złoty (ISO 4217 currency code: PLN, symbol: zł) : 1 złoty(zł) = 100 grosz (gr). Polish Złoty is the most traded currency in Central Europe and ranks 22nd in the world foreign exchange market. The official currency and legal tender of the Republic of Poland (Rzeczpospolita Polska) in Central Europe. Polish Złoty was officially introduced to replace its predecessor, the Polish marka(grzywna), on 28 February 1919. The predecessors of the złoty were the Polish mark(grzywna), and the grzywna was equivalent to approximately 210g of silver. In 1950, a new złoty (PLZ) was introduced. On 1 January 1995, 10,000 old złoty (PLZ) became one new złoty (PLN). The złoty (golden) is a traditional Polish currency unit dating back to the late Middle Ages. The word złoty is form of the Polish adjective 'golden'. Central bank is National Bank of Poland (Narodowy Bank Polski : NBP). Mint is Mennica Polska.