RWFxxx Rwandan Franc exchange rate Live chart (Rwanda currency, code: RWF, symbol: FRw or RF or R₣)
Rwanda currency : Rwandan Franc (ISO 4217 currency code: RWF, symbol: FRw or RF or R₣) : 1 Rwandan Franc (R₣) = 100 centimes. Official currency of Republic of Rwanda (Repubulika y'u Rwanda, Jamhuri ya Rwanda, République du Rwanda), a landlocked country in the Great Rift Valley, in the African Great Lakes region and East Africa converge. Rwandan Franc currency sign (symbol) is FRw or RF or R₣. International Organization for Standardization, ISO 4217 Rwanda currency code is RWF. ISO 3166-1 Rwanda country code is RW. The franc became the currency of Rwanda in 1916, when Belgium occupied the previously German colony and the Belgian Congo franc replaced the German East African rupie. Rwanda began issuing its own francs in 1964, two years after gaining independence. Central bank is National Bank of Rwanda (Banki Nkuru Y'u Rwanda, Banque Nationale du Rwanda) in Kigali, Rwanda.