SDGxxx Sudanese Pound exchange rate Live chart (Sudan currency, code: SDG, symbol: SDG or £SD or ج.س)

Sudan currency : Sudanese Pound (ISO 4217 currency code: SDG, symbol: SDG or £SD or ج.س) : 1 Sudanese Pound (£SD) = 100 qirsh (piasters). Sudanese Pound (جنيه سوداني) is official currency of Republic of the Sudan (جمهورية السودان), North Sudan, a country in Northeast Africa. Sudanese Pound currency sign (symbol) is SDG or £SD or ج.س . International Organization for Standardization, ISO 4217 Sudan currency code is SDG. ISO 3166-1 Sudan country code is SD. Before 1956, Egyptian pound had been circulated in Sudan. In 1956, Sudan became an independent country and the Sudanese pound (ISO 4217 code SDP) was created replacing the Egyptian pound at par. In 1992, the dinar (ISO 4217 code SDD) replaced pound in northern Sudan. In January 2007, the second pound (ISO 4217 code SDG) began introduction replacing the dinar at a rate of 1 pound = 100 dinars or 1 pound (SDG) = 1000 pounds (SDP). On July 1, 2007, the second pound (ISO 4217 code SDG) became the only legal tender. Sudan central bank is Central Bank of ٍ Sudan (CBOS, بنك السودان المركزي), in Khartoum, Sudan.