THBxxx Thailand Baht exchange rate Live chart (Thailand currency, code: THB, symbol: ฿)

Thailand currency : Thailand Baht (ISO 4217 currency code: THB, symbol: ฿) : ฿ 1 (baht) = 100 satang(สตางค์). Thai baht is the 10th most frequently used world payment currency. Thai baht has been the world's best performing currency. Baht(บาท) is the official currency of the Kingdom of Thailand (Ratcha-anachak Thai, ราชอาณาจักรไทย), in Southeast Asia. The Baht has been the national currency since 1897 and had been in use even before it was considered the national currency. The word Baht was originated from a traditional unit of mass. Central Bank is Bank of Thailand (BOT : ธนาคารแห่งประเทศไทย). Printer is Note Printing Works of the Bank of Thailand, China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation (CBPMC : 中國印鈔造幣總公司). Mint is Royal Thai Mint (สำนักกษาปณ์).