UYUxxx Uruguayan Peso Uruguayo exchange rate Live chart (Uruguay currency, code: UYU, symbol: $ or $U)

Uruguay currency : Uruguayan Peso Uruguayo (ISO 4217 currency code: UYU, symbol: $ or $U) : 1 Uruguayan Peso Uruguayo ($U) = 100 centésimos. Uruguayan Peso Uruguayo (peso uruguayo) is official currency of Oriental Republic of Uruguay (República Oriental del Uruguay, República Oriental do Uruguai), a country in the southeastern region of South America. Uruguayan Peso Uruguayo currency sign (symbol) is $ or $U. International Organization for Standardization, ISO 4217 Uruguay currency code is UYU. International Organization for Standardization, ISO 3166-1 Uruguay country code is UY. In 1896, Uruguay obtained monetary stability based on the gold standard, but the stable state of affairs ended after World War I. On July 1, 1975, the peso was replaced by the nuevo peso (new peso, ISO 4217 code UYP) at a rate of 1 new peso for 1000 old pesos. On March 1, 1993, the current currency, the peso uruguayo (ISO 4217 code UYU) was adopted at a rate of 1 new peso uruguayo for 1000 old pesos. Uruguay central bank is Central Bank of Uruguay (BCU, Banco Central del Uruguay), in Montevideo, Uruguay.