ZMWxxx Zambian Kwacha exchange rate Live chart (Zambia currency, code: ZMW, symbol: K, ZK)
Zambia currency : Zambian Kwacha (ISO 4217 currency code: ZMW, symbol: K, ZK) : 1 Zambian Kwacha = 100 ngwee. Zambian Kwacha is official currency of Republic of Zambia (Cisi ca Zambia, Dziko la Zambia), a landlocked country at the crossroads of Central, Southern and East Africa. Zambian Kwacha currency sign (symbol) is K, ZK. International Organization for Standardization, ISO 4217 Zambia currency code is ZMW. ISO 3166-1 Zambia country code is ZM. Prior to independence, the Rhodesia and Nyasaland pound was the legal tender. In 1964, after independence, the Bank of Zambia issued the first Zambian currency, the Zambian pound. On January 31, 1974, Zambian pound notes, and coins ceased to be a legal tender. Zambia central bank is Bank of Zambia (BoZ), in Lusaka, Zambia. Printer is G&D, Johan Enschede en Zonen.