ZWLxxx Zimbabwean Dollar exchange rate Live chart (Zimbabwe currency, code: ZWL, symbol: $ or Z$)

The Zimbabwe dollar exchange rates have not been offered. When the exchange rate is restored, this page will be updated. In place of the Zimbabwean dollar, currencies including the South African rand, Botswana pula, pound sterling, euro, Chinese yuan, and the United States dollar are used.

Zimbabwe currency : Zimbabwean Dollar (ISO 4217 currency code: ZWL, symbol: $ or Z$) : 1 Zimbabwean Dollar = 100 cents. Zimbabwean Dollar is official currency of Republic of Zimbabwe (Rhodesia), a landlocked country in Southern Africa. Zimbabwean Dollar currency sign (symbol) is $ or Z$. International Organization for Standardization, ISO 4217 Zimbabwe currency code is ZWL. ISO 3166-1 Zimbabwe country code is ZW. In 1980, the first Zimbabwean dollar (ISO 4217 code ZWD) was introduced to directly replace the Rhodesian dollar (which had been introduced in 1970) at par. On 24 June 2019, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe abolished the multiple currency system and replaced it with a new Zimbabwe dollar based on the RTGS Dollar, which was the only official currency in the country between June 2019 and March 2020. Zimbabwe central bank is Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, in Harare, Zimbabwe