SEKxxx Swedish Krona exchange rate Live chart (Sweden currency, code: SEK, symbol: kr)

Sweden currency : Swedish Krona (ISO 4217 currency code: SEK, symbol: kr) : kr 1 (krona) = 100 öre. Its nicknames are spänn, pix, riksdaler, crowns, lax/lakan/lök (1000kr). Official currency of Kingdom of Sweden (Konungariket Sverige), a Nordic country in Northern Europe. Sweden was the first country in Europe that adopted banknotes in 1661. Now, they are becoming the first world's cashless society by 2023. Then, cash will not be accepted any longer as a means of payment in Sweden. Their Central Bank is testing its own digital currency called e-Krona backed by the Central Bank. That may accelerate the country's cashless society. No one knows whether it will be good for the people. Central bank is Sveriges riksbank, and it is the world's oldest central bank and the third oldest bank in operation.